Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Why does this happen to eyebrows after being waxed?

okay this isnt a pic of me. ignore the craziness of this photo and focus on the eyebrows, lol. For some reason after having my eyebrows waxed they grew back crazy like this. a lot of mine stick outward and are very wirey and stiff. It pisses me off. Don't tell me to brush them or anything either because they just grow that way, and it will just bounce right back to its crazy direction. Anybody else have this problem?

http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.weirdthings.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/body-piercings.jpg%26amp;imgrefurl=http://www.weirdthings.org.uk/man-with-very-weird-face-piercing-would-you-go-this-far/%26amp;h=574%26amp;w=439%26amp;sz=48%26amp;hl=en%26amp;start=21%26amp;um=1%26amp;usg=__o9_Ey5j-6Gb-G6vYG-ST-EI8mXs=%26amp;tbnid=sLSiGtaI42EmRM:%26amp;tbnh=134%26amp;tbnw=102%26amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3Dman%2Beyebrows%26start%3D18%26ndsp%3D18%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DNWhy does this happen to eyebrows after being waxed?
yes i do. but usually after a few days it goes back to normal. ha.Why does this happen to eyebrows after being waxed?
Let your eyebrows grow out and next time, try plucking them yourself!
i do.

just dont let them grow.

whenever u see a little hair is growing, pluck it out.

Plucking your eyebrows is much more easier and gets less painful after time. It's kind of the same as waxing except the hairs grow back in the direction you pluck them. Plus, it costs much less than getting it done professionally and allows you to see what shape suits you by experimenting.

Until then, try using a eyebrow gel. I know you said not to tell you anything like that, but it will help to tame them, until you start plucking.


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