im 13 and i have grad in acouple weeks so i wanna get them done and im wondering if it hurts?? try to go back to wen u first got it done
ohh and can u explain the feeling my mom said it kinda hurts its like a sting ..Does it hurt to get your eyebrows waxed?
No, it doesn't hurt that much.
It hurts a lot less than plucking!
It kind of feels like ripping off a band aid but in my opinion it's not as bad.
Hope this helps %26amp; good luck :)Does it hurt to get your eyebrows waxed?
haha im 13 also and i got them first waxed this summer and it's weird because its not like a, ';OWWWW!!!! that stings!'; it feels like a burn sorta and it just feels really hot and stuff. idk i can't explain it but no, it doesn't hurt that bad because it happens super fast! don't worry!!!!
i started getting mine done when i wuz 8...and hell yeah it hurts....just breath slowly and everything will b alright
and it feels lyke ur skin is being pulled off
i often get sleepy when i get mine done idk y tho
and i have special liquid i put on it after to sooth my skin so u can look 4 it and any store
good luck
Take a rubberband, pull it back, and pop it onto your arm. That's what it feels like. Then there's a little bit of a burn for a few minutes afterwards, but it's not too bad. :]
my mom does it all the time for me when i cant go to a salon, it doesnt really hurt but it does sting a bit at first then ur eye brows get used to it but not so much hurt im 13 to lol
hahah i get mine waxed ( im 13) and the first few times i was like OWEEEE. haha its not that bad, but your like eeeeeeeppp
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